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![]() "Izvestiya SOIGSI" is a scientific journal of the V.I. Abaev North-Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies. The history of the journal reflects the basic tendencies of foundation and development of the humanitarian science in Ossetia.
The idea to create the journal originated within the Ossetian Historical Philological Society, the first scientific establishment in the North Caucasus (1919). Later this society evolved into an institute, and the first issue of its scientific journal "News of the Ossetian Research Institute of Regional Studies" was published in June 1925. Annually different materials were published on Ossetian folklore, literature, history, ethnography, art, archived documents. 31 issues of the journal with the data on the complex historical and philological study of Ossetian people were published. The well-established tradition was interrupted by the decision of the Press Committee of the RSFSR to replace peripheral scientific journals by thematic compendiums on separate fields of humanitarian knowledge. The last issue of the Proceedings of the North Ossetian Research Institute was put in print under number 39, therefore, in 2007 the first issue of the resumed journal was published under number 1 (40).
The Institute regards its scientific journal "Izvestiya SOIGSI" as an international intellectual ground for discussing the results of Scythian, Alanian, Ossetian researches, including scientific expeditions to the countries of Europe and Asia; searching, translating, commenting, and editing written and iconography sources; actualizing scientific heritage of the authors, who conducted Ossetian studies in the XIXth - beginning of the XXth centuries.
Scythian, Alanian tradition sustained the beginning and foundation of three-millennial Eurasian cultural and historical unity: the monuments of Scythian, Alanian material culture and written records about Alans are scattered in many countries, thus the most effective form of organizing and supporting Alanian research must be developed through international scientific cooperation. At the same time responsibility for maintaining Alanian heritage lies down on modern Ossetian studies, as an unique scientific direction developing research based on linguistic and cultural continuity of Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans, and Ossetians.
Today "Izvestiya SOIGSI" is a multidisciplinary (Humanities) peer-reviewed scientific journal on the platform of Russian Science Citation Index. Since December 2015 the journal was listed as the scientific edition approved by the Supreme Attestation Commision of the Russian Federation.
"Izvestiya SOIGSI" is the only periodical publication specializing in various problems of the modern Caucasian and Ossetian studies in a broad time frame. Formed in the North Ossetian Research Institute the multimodule, interdisciplinary system of fundamental Ossetian researches includes history, archaeology, epigraphics, linguistics, ethnology, folklore studies, study of art and a number of other disciplines of the Humanities. The issues of the journal contain the most meaningful developments of the researchers of the Institute and other Russian and international scientific and educational establishments in the discussed areas are being published. The journal priority are questions of traditional culture in its interconnection with Russian and world religious and cultural systems, historical and comparative analysis of the language, mythology and folklore of the Iranian and North Caucasian peoples, various aspects of artistic culture, genealogical and gender studies, interethnic and interconfessional relations, processes of social transformation in broad chronological frames, monitoring socio-economic and ethnopolitical situation in the region.
The range of the problems of the journal is mandated by the growth of external challenges: Alanian studies appeared in plane not only with the scientific researches but also with modern politics. Falsification of humanitarian knowledge sustains a threat to the national safety. It is an instrument aimed at destruction the unity and integrity of the state. Therefore, the important task of "Izvestiya SOIGSI" is to oppose historical and cultural fabrications that aggressively intrude social and political life of the region. Conceptually important in this connection is redefining Russian / Soviet experience of cooperating with national outskirts, interpreting such results in the new research paradigm of transitional society, and exposing mechanisms of forming and statement on North Caucasus of the Russian state system and civil identity.
The journal "Izvestiya SOIGSI" continues the tradition of publishing sources, started as early as the 20-s of the XXth century, academic researchers keep introducing the richest funds of the scientific archive of the Institute into scientific circulation. The journal contains reviews on new editions on its subject matters.
The journal is distinguished by the well-defined structure presented by the thematic sections, greater part of which ("History. Ethnology. Archaeology", "Linguistics. Literary criticism. Folklore Studies", "Sources" and others) have continuing character. The scientific publications are supplied by abstracts in Russian and English languages and provided with corresponding scientific references. Due to the growth of volume of materials submitted to the editorial board, periodicity of the journal has been increasing: since 2011 the journal was published twice a year, since 2014 - four times a year.
"Izvestiya SOIGSI" is open for the wide circle of readers due to electronic publishing of its free fulltext network version and subscription policy. |
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