Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.23671/VNC.2020.74.58005
Godizova, Zara I. , Gabisova, Dzerassa V.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2020. IIS 35 (74).
Abstract: The relevance of the undertaken study is determined by the fact that participles in the modern
Ossetian language are still insufficiently studied. There are only the most general descriptions of grammar
features of participles. The comparison of the system of participles and their grammar features seems
interesting and actual, especially considering the fact that the Ossetian and Russian languages belong
to different groups of the Indo-European language family. Furthermore, in the context of bilingualism
the Russian and Ossetian languages interact actively and that can affect the system of participles. The
scientific novelty of the article is determined by the fact that it examines the grammatical features of all
categories of participles in the Ossetian language in comparison with the Russian language. The conducted
research allowed to elicit five categories in the system of participles in the modern Ossetian language.
The analysis of the results showed the participles are diverse in their grammatical characteristics, in the
degree of regularity, and in the tendency to transition into other parts of speech. The research defined
the most significant differences between Ossetian and Russian participles: existence of future participles
in the system of the Ossetian language; absence of adjectival grammar categories of gender, number and
case as well as formal markers of tense and voice in Ossetian participles. The tense category in Ossetian
subordinates to the aspect category to a far greater extent; therefore the imperfective aspect of participles
accepts the present tense forms only, while perfective acts in the past tense forms; Ossetian participles
lack explicit voice opposition. Ossetian participles do not have full forms, but they can have syntactic
functions of both the predicate and the attribute in a sentence, although the predicative function is more
typical for them. Participles in the Ossetian language are much less common compared to participles
in Russian and are more disposed to conversion (transition to the category of nouns, verbal adverbs,
adjectives, words of the state category).
Keywords: Ossetian language, Russian language, participle, grammatical categories, categories of aspect, tense, voice, pledge, conversion.
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