Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: DOI: 10.46698/f6902-2685-5764-f
Ailarova, Svetlana A.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2020. IIS 36 (75).
Abstract: A. N. Kodzaev»s book «Ancient Ossetians and Ossetia» (1903) was the first specialized
monograph on the history of Ossetia. The author, responding to the social request of Ossetian society,
embarked on the path of national consolidation, tried to present a holistic picture of the history of
the ancestors of the Ossetians, the history of Alanian Christianity, as well as the historiography of
Ossetia, epic, mythology, and traditional religious system. Kodzaev relied on the rich historiography
of the history and culture of the Alan-Ossetians, the works of V. F. Miller, M. M. Kovalevsky,
V. B. Pfaf, Yu. A. Kulakovsky, and ethnographic and religious literature, which were accumulated
by the beginning of XX century. Kodzaev characterizes the traditional religious system of Ossetians,
ancient Iranian monotheism, writes about the correlation in the spiritual culture of Ossetians both
traditional religion and Christianity. Following Miller, the author draws interesting parallels between
the Nart epic and information from written sources about the Iranian ancestors of Ossetians. The book
presents the history of Alan Orthodoxy, proposes the scientific periodization of the Christianization
of the Alans. Kodzaev formulated a fruitful thesis about the deep connection and interdependence
of the formation and development of the Alanian statehood and Alanian Orthodoxy in the X‑XV
centuries. The author defends the position on the deep penetration of Christianity into the tissue
of culture of the Alanian society, the evangelization of the population of medieval Alanya, which
became part of the Byzantine cultural and civilizational space. Various sources cited by the author
testify to the degree of Christianization of the Alanian population: written, data from archeology,
ethnography and folklore. The high status of the Alanian diocese, which has become a metropolis,
reflected in the notices of the Byzantine Patriarchate, monumental temple construction, writing,
Christian fine art — all testify to the flourishing Christian society and the Alan state in the Middle
Ages. Christianity, passing through the entire history of the Alans from the beginning of a new era,
is an essential component of the Ossetian spiritual and cultural tradition. It should become the basis
for the modern development of the Ossetian ethnic group and its culture — such is the conclusion of
the historian and enlightener.
Keywords: North Caucasus, Alania, A. N. Kodzaev, Orthodoxy, Alanian Metropolitanate, popular Christianity
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