Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: DOI: 10.46698/w5492-6711-5209-k
Kalabekova, Lyudmila T. , Takoeva, Tamara A.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2020. IIS 36 (75).
Abstract: At the current stage of science development, contrastive linguistics, as one of the most promising
fields in modern linguistics, increasingly turns to the text, to speech acts, to the realization of
linguistic means in discourse, using the most productive methods and the topic which is given the
highest priority of contemporary language studies. Thus, in particular, any aspectological analysis
of language material seems incomplete without mentioning the discourse theory of aspect, which
has both its adherents and ardent opponents. Meanwhile, the adherents of discourse analysis do not
oppose their concept to the traditional approach, but interpret it as its extension and complement.
Discourse information is close to the syntactic one. It only confirms the status of the language unit in
the text, but does not reflect the properties of the surrounding world directly. The mentioned theory
assumes linking the values of aspectual grammars not with the internal properties of the situations
described by the verbal vocabulary, but with their functional significance within a specific text. The
appearance of discursive uses in a specific grammeme is considered as a sign of its linguistic «maturity»
and a high degree of grammaticalization. In languages with different structural and intra-linguistic
settings (such as Ossetian, Russian, and English), the means of representing the nature of the action
flow are fundamentally different. At the same time, the ethnic component becomes important in
understanding the resulting interlanguage conflicts: significantly different mental perception of the
surrounding world by different ethnic groups, their ability to display the same phenomena of reality
in different ways. At the same time, the idea of the existence of a pan-European language standard is
postulated today. According to this idea a significant group of languages united by the commonality
of their structural identity can be designated within the European area. In this language group, the
areal proximity of linguistic cultures affects not only the inventory of grammatical meanings, but also
the principles of the grammatical systems structure.
Keywords: interlingual collisions, discourse information, linguistic culture, ethnic component, aspectual meaning, genetic relationship
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