Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/s7465-1269-1483-g
Kudaeva, Zinaida Zh.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2020. IIS 36 (75).
Abstract: The study of mythopoetic representations underlying folklore motifs and images, the comparative
typological study of the semantics of the main signs and symbols belonging to different ethnic traditions,
the observation of the process of transformation of images of mythological divine characters are one of the
most relevant areas of research in the national science of folklore. The identification of typologically similar
phenomena in the traditional ethnic culture of the Circassians, Karachais and Balkars, the study of the
images of the deity of fertility and the patron saint of sheep, the analysis of the «zoomorphic code» inherent
in these ethnic cultural traditions, a comparative study of the evolutionary changes in motives and images
in Adyghe and Karachay-Balkarian folklore — all these questions did not become the subject of a separate
study in the national science of folklore. In accordance with this, the main goal and objective of this work is
a comparative study of various ethnic versions of the plot of the legend of lakes (Kabardian legend of Lake
Shathurei and Karachay-Balkarian legends of Lakes Khurla-kel, Chirik-kel, Tupsuz-kel), the identification
of mythological and poetic views underlying similar motives and images, and changes occurring in the
process of evolutionary development of the main plot-forming motive and image. The article also traces
the process of formation of various genre incarnations of the investigated archaic plot. An integrated,
systematic approach to the phenomena under study necessitated the use of comparative-historical and
structural-semiotic research methods. It was revealed that in the studied ethnic variants and versions of
the plot of legends representations associated with the images of deities (Amysh and Aymush), patrons of
sheep and small cattle are embodied; the semantic semantics of the images of «white rams» (Kabardian
version) and «golden-horned ram» (Karachay-Balkar version) in its various modifications are clarified.
In the studied ethnic traditions, the ram appears as symbols of life and fertility, acts as mediators between
various spatial level structures of the mythopoetic model of the world.
Keywords: toponymic traditions, legends, myth, motive, plot, space, mediator, fertility
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