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DOI: 10.46698/b3098-4032-6378-f ALANS AND ALANIAN DOGS
Ognibene, Paolo
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2020. IIS 37 (76).
The Deutsche Dogge, also called Great Dane (Grand Danois), is known in Italy under the name of the «Alanian dog» (Cane Alano) or «German Alanian dog». This name has been used in Italy since 1920, and it was given to the Great Dane most likely in connection with its alleged origin from the «Alaunt» dog, which appeared in Europe, according to some hypothesis, along with the arrival of the Alans during their movement westward. The purpose of this work is to try to find out whether it is possible to prove that the Great Dane comes from «Alaunt» and, in particular, whether there is really a connection between Alans, «Alaunt» dogs and «Alanian dogs» of our time.
Keywords: Alans, Alaunt, Deutsche Dogge, Gran Danois
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