Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/q7503-8246-2671-h
Magomedov, Daniyal M.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2020. IIS 37 (76).
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of certain syntactic features of Avar dialects. The syntax of
Avar dialects has not been comprehensively studied, so it is sometimes difficult to establish whether
a particular syntactic element is territorially distinctive. The purpose of the article is to introduce
the syntactic features of Avar dialects into scientific circulation, thus providing valuable material
for the development of questions of the history of the formation of the Avar literary language and
its historical dialectology. The article identifies dialectal syntactic phenomena that have similarities
with the literary language, as well as features that are not peculiar to the Avar literary language.
The loss of dialectical syntactic features occurs primarily as a result of the influence of the Avar
literary language. The study was conducted using the comparative method, the method of component
analysis, as well as the survey of informants. The novelty of this article lies in the analysis of the
peculiarity of the syntactic features of dialectal speech, which was not subjected to focused study,
while for the history of the language each dialectal phenomenon is relevant and valuable. To represent
the syntactic features of the dialects of the Avar language more specifically, it is necessary to study
and identify the patterns of functioning of various forms. The main material for the article was the
author’s field materials collected during dialectological expeditions. By continuous sampling from
the studied special literature, examples with syntactic features of the Avar dialects were extracted.
In addition, some points were clarified directly in the work with informants, i.e., field work methods
were used. The speakers of the Avar dialects, for whom the language acts are not only mere means of
communication, but also as an object of study, acted as informants.
Keywords: Avar language, syntax, dialect, dialect, literary language, phrase, postposition, sentence
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