Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/c7022-7520-8688-b
Gostieva, Larisa K.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2020. IIS 37 (76).
Abstract: The article discusses the theme of the participation of Vsevolod Fedorovich Miller in the cultural
life of Ossetia in the late XIX - early XXth century. Published excerpts from V.F. Miller and G.V.
Baev cover the period from 1895 to 1911 and contain important information on various aspects
of the cultural development of Ossetia at the reviewed period. The works of Miller with published
folklore texts in the Digor dialect of the Ossetian language, recorded by Ossetian collectors, are
being presented. The support of Miller of the Society for the Distribution of Education and Technical
Information among the Highlanders of the Terek Region and the Ossetian Publishing Society “Ir” is
highlighted. The requests of Baev to Miller about the cost of casting a new font for publishing books in
the Ossetian language, renting a cliché of a book publishing company, “I.D. Sytin and Co.”, assistance
in the speedy approval of the project for the construction of the building of the Gorsko-Pushkin hostel
for children of highlanders. Attention is drawn to the support Miller provided for many cultural
undertakings in Ossetia: the publication of a collection of poems by K. Khetagurov “Iron Fandyr”,
publishing books and newspapers in the Ossetian language, reprinting the Holy Gospel in the Ossetian
language, creating the Ossetian publishing society “Ir”. The advisory assistance of Miller to Bayev in
preparing Ossetian-Russian ABC book is referred to. The high estimation of Miller to Khetagurov is
discussed. The importance for the cultural life of sending 40 copies of Ossetian Etudes to scientists in
Ossetia is shown. The conclusion is made that the correspondence of Miller and Baev is an important
source in the study of the participation of a scientist in the cultural life of Ossetia. The published
documents are extracted from the funds of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI)
and the Scientific Archive of the North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies.
Keywords: V.F. Miller, G.V. Baev, cultural life, publishing activities, Ossetian intelligentsia
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