Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/p9189-4608-5959-l
Ochirova, Nina G. , Mengkai, Bo
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2020. IIS 38 (77).
Abstract: The article is devoted to the activities of Zaya-pandita Oktorguyin Dalai, an outstanding
religious, social and political figure, educator and humanist who made an invaluable contribution to
the history and spiritual culture of the Oirat-Kalmyk people. The purpose of the study is to analyze
and highlight his multifaceted activity as a reformer in the spread of a new religion – Buddhism
among the Mongolian peoples, the creator of the Old Kalmyk writing system and literature of the
Oirat-Kalmyks, show the peacekeeping role of Zai-pandits in the preservation and strengthening of
the Oirat states – the Dzungarian, Kalmyk and Khoshut khanates in the middle of the 17th century.
The relevance of this work is determined by an attempt to objectively illuminate one of the most
important aspects of the history and culture of Kalmykia – the history of the creation of national
writing and literature, the spread and development of Buddhism among the Mongolian peoples,
primarily among the Oirat-Kalmyks. In modern conditions of the development of the Russian state,
undoubtedly, the need to comprehend the culture of the Kalmyks as Eurasian culture of nomads
becomes urgent. Successful cultural and historical advance and development are impossible without
studying the experience of the centuries long spiritual heritage, the experience of interethnic
interaction with various peoples, reviewing everything that has been accumulated earlier, without a
critical analysis. The main methodological principles of the study were scientific objectivity, expressed
in attracting the maximum possible number of sources and a systematic approach to the analyzed
material, considered in the interconnection of all constituent elements, as well as the principle of
historicism, when an object is viewed in a certain historical context. The problem-chronological,
civilizational, historical-genetic, historiographic analysis are applied in the research. These principles
and methods enable to solve the tasks set in the article. The empirical basis of the work was formed
by a fairly wide source base, which includes published and unpublished materials.
Keywords: Zaya-pandita Ogtorguyin Dalai, Oirats-Kalmyks, Buddhism, writing, literature, statehood
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