Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/s1677-3898-7693-d
Alieva, Alla I.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2020. IIS 38 (77).
Abstract: The article is the first to reconstruct the history of the organization in Tiflis in 1873 of the Society
of the Caucasian Archeology Advocates – the first archaeological society in the Caucasus, established
on the initiative of the Caucasian governor. Chairman of the Caucasian Archaeological Commission
A.P. Bergé (1828–1886), who was given such an assignment, managed not only to attract archeological
researchers, who were then few in the Caucasus, to the work of the Society, but also to draw up
its clear program and organize a number of effective expeditions. A special merit of the Society of
Caucasian Archeology Advocates was its active participation in the preparation and holding of the
5th Archaeological Congress in Tiflis in 1881, which largely determined the development of historical
research in this region in the XXth century.
Keywords: Society of the Caucasian Archeology Advocates, Adolph Petrovich Bergé, 5th Archaeological Congress
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