Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/z6032-9693-0768-u
Tekueva, Madina A. , Nalchikova, Elena A. , Gugova, Marina Kh. , Barazbiev, Muslim I.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2020. IIS 38 (77).
Abstract: The paper focuses on blood revenge and considers this institution in terms of microhistory.
Persistence of traditional perception and its relics stipulate the relevance of the research. The study of
roots and specific circumstances that bring about vindictive punishment for insult or murder in the
North Caucasus sheds light on evolution and decline of this social institution. For the analysis, we
processed previously unpublished sources of the Central State Archive of KBR dated 1820-1919. In
the context of everyday existence of a community, more urgence is ascribed to the questions how to
curb the wave of revenge, how to save the family, the clan from responsibility for the actions of one
of its members, how to protect their descendants from taking on the burden to kill. The historical
and anthropological approach to the study of these documentary facts makes it possible to “enliven”
the history of private details and experiences of those involved. The documents reflect the emotional
ties of family members and attempts to get out of the traditional demands for revenge through
amendments to it that deter aggression. It is established that changes in the implementation of blood
feud customs among Kabardians and Balkars during the reviewed period and reflected in the above
sources can be characterized as a decline of the tradition. Focusing on the everyday background of the
events described highlights individual details, fills the studied legal cases with emotional motivations
and dramatic consequences of the actions of specific people, reveals compliance of their actions with
accepted norms or non-compliance with the laws.
Keywords: blood revenge, daily routine, custumal law, North Caucasus, Kabardians, Balkars, court
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