Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.78.39.010
Chibirov, Lyudvig A.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2021. IIS 39 (78).
Abstract: V.F. Miller’s scientific heritage is noted for outstanding achievements in the field of linguistics,
history, ethnography and archaeology. His deep knowledge of ethnic cultures of the peoples of the
North Caucasus, and above all the Ossetians, allowed him to become the founder of a new scientific
direction – Nartology. He made the first attempts to scientifically comprehend the historical basis of
the existence of epic legends about the Narts. The scientist’s merits in the collection, publication and
popularization of Ossetian legends are great. Miller was the first who expressed the international
character of legends. For the first time he drew vivid parallels between the Nart legends of the
Ossetians and the Scythian-Alanian way of life, which served as a weighty argument in substantiating
the ethnogenetic conclusion about the Scythian-Alano-Ossetian unity. The scientist’’s works laid the
foundations for a comparative historical study of the epic, which was successfully continued by his
followers (V. Abaev, G. Dumézil). Miller’s works, by the definition of G. Dumézil, “a Russian scientist
of the highest class,” have not lost their significance to this day.
Keywords: Miller, Nart legends, Scythians, Alans, ethnogenesis, comparative historical analysis
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