Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.78.39.006
Iliadi, Alexander I.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2021. IIS 39 (78).
Abstract: The paper views a number of linguistic evidences of contacts of the ancient Slavs and the Alans
– an eastern Iranian nomadic ethnos, which, according to medieval chroniclers and evidence from
archeology, in VI century A.D. settled Southern Russian steppes, Azov Sea region and partially Crimea.
The author makes his conclusions, drawing on the factual basis, formed of a sum of etymological
versions, including such categories: a) exclusive Slavic and Alanian etymological parallels on the
level of formulaic expressions, related to the poetic and legal language and formed on the patterns,
which were common for both languages: (Proto-Slav. *bьrati sьrdьce ~ Alan. *zard [?]-varun; Proto-
Slav. *čariti kъrtǫ ~ Middle Iran. (Alan.?) *karda kar[n]-; Proto-Slav. *činiti koranǫ ~ Alan. *kar[a]
na, согд. vadu-karanāk); b) probable borrowings in Slavic vocabulary from Alanian dialects (*māgoša
ʻlazybonesʼ, *ba-kandak or *ba-kandag ʻritual breadʼ, *bārag or *barg[a] ʻshepherd’s sackʼ,
*barn[a] ʻobligationʼ, ʻguarantee of careʼ); c) quite close analogies. The areal of probable Slavo-
Alanica traces, overviewed in the paper, can be limited to the steppe dialects of Ukraine, dialects of
Odessa and Kherson regions that are lands, which lay within the boundaries of the contacts between
the Aso-Slavic tribe Antae and Alans. Based on what is told in the paper the author makes the
conclusion about probable belonging listed lexical and phraseological units to the relicts of Alanian-
Antae adstratum, inherited by Slavic languages.
Keywords: etymology, semantics, derivative, language contacts, reconstruction
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