Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.78.39.005
Dzitstsoity, Yuri A.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2021. IIS 39 (78).
Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of Ossetian place names formed by the assimilative case
(equative) inflection -aw. In most cases, this inflection is represented in its direct function, giving
the derivatives the meaning of resemblance or similarity to the object or phenomenon expressed by
the underlying stem. In addition, in the Ossetian language, as well as in the toponymy of Ossetia,
the inflection -aw is represented as a word-forming affix, with the help of which substances (for
example, bærzondaw ‘hill’, agaw ‘hollow’, etc.) are derived from adjectives and other parts of speech.
In quantitative terms, the number of appellatives and onyms, formed by word-formative -aw, is ten
times smaller than that of the toponyms, in which the morpheme -aw is represented as an inflection.
In the Ossetian language there is also an unproductive word-forming suffix -aw of a different origin
(for example, in the words arγaw ‘tale’, fijjaw ‘shepherd’, etc.). The analysis shows that this suffix is
not represented in the toponymy of Ossetia. The inflection -aw, but not the suffix -aw can be seen
in etymologically obscure place names containing the component -aw (for example, in Biqqwyraw,
Ræcaw, etc.). This proves both the considerable age of the corresponding formations and quite ancient
origin of the assimilative case in the system of Ossetian declension. Semantic analysis of place names
on the inflection -aw enables tracing the ways of the environment exploration by ancient Ossetians:
geographical objects are compared with well-known objects of reality: parts of the body, household
items, etc. The most ancient forms on -aw allow us to draw conclusions of a cultural and historical
Keywords: Toponymy, Ossetia, word-formation, inflexion
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