ContactsAddress: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
Godizova, Zara I. , Gabisova, Dzerassa V.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2021. IIS 40 (79).
The article is devoted to the comparison of the semantic category of expediency in the Russian and Ossetian languages. The aim of this study was to determine all the possible means of expediency expression in compared languages, possible differences in the range of these means and in their status. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the comparison and determination of all possible linguistic means of expression of this semantic category in the Russian and Ossetian languages will be a significant contribution to comparative linguistics, to the study of the functional-semantic category of modality, the specific modal meaning of expediency. The scientific novelty of the article is in the fact that the semantic category of expediency attracted scientists’ inadequate attention and is still completely unstudied in comparative aspect. Methods of observation, description, functional and semantic analysis, component analysis, quantitative technique were used in the research. The analyses showed that the semantic category of expediency is represented by the various language means of expression (lexical, morphological, and syntactical) in both languages. It highlights the importance of concept “expediency” for the Russian and Ossetian linguistic world-image. The central and peripheral components of functional and semantic field of expediency in the Russian and Ossetian languages have been defined. Significant differences in the system of linguistic means of expressing expediency in both languages have been revealed as well. The most considerable difference in the system of the Ossetian language is the existence of future participles where their main function is expressing expediency. The frequency of expressing the described function by the descriptive constructions favors analytism and mataphoricity of the Ossetian language. The Ossetian language can be characterized by occasional use of verbs with expediency semantics and by no cases of words of state category, which are rather powerful means of expediency expressing in Russian. Syntactic constructions with expediency semantics (impersonal, infinite, indefinite personal) are also represented to a lesser extent.
Keywords: Modality, expediency, the Russian language, the Ossetian language, linguistic means of expression, functional-semantic field
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