Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.80.41.009
Mamieva, Izeta V.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2021. IIS 41 (80).
Abstract: In the article, for the first time in the diachronic aspect, the dynamics of the relationship
of Ossetian literature with the mythoepic tradition, the degree and nature of its relevance at
certain stages of the development of artistic consciousness. The purpose of the work is to study
the specifics of the reproduction of the «theme of the Narts» by Ossetian writers, the synthesis of
the mythical-epic and individual-author»s principles in works of different eras, styles and genre
forms. Descriptive-functional and mythopoetic methods were applied with the use of hermeneutic
techniques in the analysis of texts on which there were lively discussions. The experience of
recreating epic motifs and images in the work of the classic of Ossetian literature K. L. Khetagurov
(poems «Vsati», «In the shepherds», «At the cemetery») is reflected. Special emphasis is placed
on the reflection of the epic constants of the national world in the literary process of the second
half of the twentieth century. New approaches of writers to the understanding of the phenomen
that make up a significant layer in the cultural space of the Ossetians (fandyr, Atsamaz»s flute,
Uatsamonga bowl, Kadag- Saga, etc.) are analyzed. The mythoepic layer in the structure of
the modern story is outlined (K. Dzesov, N. Dzhusoyty, G. Agnaev). The characteristic features
are highlighted, such as: incorporation of mythological reminiscences into the artistic fabric
of works; the character»s two-naturedness caused by implicit comparisons (plot-motive and
subjective levels); posing and solving in the «Nart spirit» the problem of the righteous and sinful
path, the antinomy «life after death» – «death during life». The next stage in the development of
the theme of the Narts (the last third of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century), positioned in
the article as the pinnacle of the synthesis of mythical-epic and literary principles, is correlated
with the emergence in Ossetian literature of a new genre variety – the novel-myth. It is concluded
that the Nartiada is a continuous fundamental source of the development of Ossetian literary
literature, despite the heterogeneity of causal relations between the two aesthetic systems in
different time periods.
Keywords: Nart epic, Ossetian literature, dynamics, aspects of interaction, poetic recreation, motive, image-symbol, transformation.
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