Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.81.42.008
Ailarova, Svetlana A.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2021. IIS 42 (81).
Abstract: The article considers one of the aspects of the history of education in Ossetia in the end of XIX
– early XX century – the self-awareness of the Ossetian teachers as socio-professional group. The
formation of professional groups was an expression of the modernization of the social structure
of the post-reform Ossetian society. In view of the peculiarities of the history of education in
Ossetia, the main representative of this group was the teachers of parish schools, the main type of
elementary school in the region. Awareness of the professional interests, social status and material
situation of the people’s teacher was a manifestation of the formation of this social community.
The focus of pedagogical journalism is on teachers’ everyday life, salaries, the problem of pensions,
housing, food, the teacher’s relationship with the school and rural administration, representatives
of rural society, the status and prospects of pedagogical work. Discussion of many problems
was polemical in nature; the participants in the discussion expressed opposite opinions about
the material security of a people’s teacher, the quality of housing, the possibility of subsidiary
farming, and the future education of the teacher’s children. The confusion of the situation with
teachers’ pensions, which in reality were not paid, was highlighted. In actual journalism, not all
problems of teachers’ everyday life are highlighted, but only socially significant ones that worried
the democratic intelligentsia. The study of the subculture and self-consciousness of the Ossetian
teachers is relevant in line with the methodological searches of the national “new social history”,
as well as the “historical-anthropological” approach, which makes it possible to reconstruct the
behavioral strategies of this group of intelligentsia. The “intellectual history” of Ossetia in the
pre-revolutionary period was formed in many respects by representatives of this educational
community, which had been developing public thought for decades. This journalistic selection
is informative and testifies to the prospects of studying such a socio-professional and cultural
group as the Ossetian teachers.
Keywords: Ossetian intelligentsia, socio-professional group, teaching, everyday life, social status, financial situation
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