ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia



DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.81.42.006


Tsopanova, Rita G. , Changizi, Ehsan
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2021. IIS 42 (81).
The purpose of this study is to determine the similarities and differences in the formation
of attributive phrases in the Ossetian and Persian languages. The novelty of the study lies in the
fact, that phrases in the Ossetian language have not been studied in comparison with similar
syntactic units in the Persian language. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that a
comparative study of the features of attributive phrases in the Ossetian and Persian languages
will make it possible to characterize the common and different phrases in these languages in
the field of syntax, which will contribute, if necessary, to a better study and research of these
languages in the field of syntax, will also serve the development of intercultural communication
of the Ossetians and the Iranians, with whom the Ossetians are now developing close cultural
ties. Attributive phrases in the Persian language are most often formed on the basis of an isafet,
in some cases postposition ‘ra’ and adjunctions are used. In the Ossetian language, the definition
traditionally stands before the word being defined and is expressed by all significant parts of
speech and is associated with it by case forms, nouns with several postpositions, word order.
The inversion of the attribute is not typical for the Ossetian language, but it is possible with its
isolation and change of semantic-structural and stylistic relations between the attribute and the
word it attributes. The inversion of the attribute was not alien to the ancient Persian language,
as well as to the language of the Scythians and Alans, with whom the Ossetians have common
origin, which is indicated, among many other evidence, by the linguistic unity of these languages
at different levels of linguistic structures.
Keywords: attributive phrases, izafet, preposition of definition, the Ossetian and Persian languages
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