Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.81.42.014
Bondar, Larisa D. , Zelnitskaya (Shlarba), Ritsa Sh.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2021. IIS 42 (81).
Abstract: This article proposes the publication of an essay written by the famous scholar of Ossetian
studies Evgenia Georgievna Pchelina (1895–1972); this work has remained unpublished until
today. The manuscript is not fully completed and is kept in the archive fund of E.G. Pchelina in
the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (fond No. 1017).
The manuscript consists of 11 sheets, its scientific apparatus is compiled on separate cards. The
study of archival material made it possible to form a relatively complete text of the essay and
partially restore the scientific apparatus to it. The text is devoted to the issue of slavery and
captivity in the traditional Ossetian society and was written for a doctoral dissertation, which
Pchelina had been preparing for a number of years, but the defense of which has never taken
place. It was possible to restore the range of scientific works and the source base used by Pchelina
for this essay. The article suggests the dating of this work – no later than 1953. In the essay
by Pchelina under consideration, the issues of Ossetian terminology on the studied problem is
presented, the categories of slaves, the attitude in society to different categories of slaves, methods
of captivity and delivery to the homes of prisoners, slave markets on the territory of Ossetia and
neighboring lands, the cost of slaves, etc. are described. This work of Pchelina contains all the
features that are characteristic of her scientific creativity: excellent knowledge of scientific works
and the use of a wide range of sources, with mandatory reference to folklore material and data
received from informants.
Keywords: archive of E.G. Pchelina, slavery among the Ossetians, traditional Ossetian society
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