Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.82.43.001
Chibirov, Lyudvig A.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 43 (82).
Abstract: The article is devoted to the question of the beginning of the formation of the Nart legends of
Ossetians. There are strong arguments in favor of revising the chronology established in scientific
narthology about the beginning of the formation of the mythological core of the Narthov epic
from the I millennium BC towards expanding geographical boundaries and deepening the
chronological framework to ser. II thousand BC, i.e. in the Proto-Scythian era. This is evidenced,
according to the author, by the epic and mythological monuments of ancient Indians and
Iranians (“Ramayama”, “Avesta”, “Shahnameh”), archaeological data, a comparative analysis
of the Roman legend of Romulus and Remus and the heroes of the Ossetian “Nartiad” Akhsar
and Akhsartag, etc. It is noted that the hypothesis about the construction of the origins of the
formation of the Nart epic of the Ossetians by the middle of the II millennium BC was first
proposed by Yu.S. Gagloti. The works of Russian (G.M. Bongard-Levin and E.A. Grantovsky,
V.I. Abaev, E.B. Sattsaev, A.V. Darchiev, V.V. Tsimidanov) and foreign researchers (K. Viel, J.
Dumezil, R. Fry, etc.), which touched on this issue.Much attention is paid to numerous parallels
of pan-Indo-European unity. The parallels of the Nart epic with the antiquities of the Greek
and Roman world are considered. Attention is focused on the Scythian-Nart parallels cited by
V.F. Miller, which laid the foundation for the scientific works of his followers and significantly
expanded the range of comparative historical research. It is noted that the historical relations
of the Scythian-Sarmatian-Alans with the Indo-European and ancient world are recognized in
science and have a historical basis.
Keywords: the Narts, “Nartiada”, epic monuments, parallels, Scythians, Ossetians
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