ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia



DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.82.43.005


Tsorieva, Inga T.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 43 (82).
The article discusses the issue of the practice of literary mentoring in relation to national
writers that developed in the 1930-1950s. The functions of curators and mentors were performed,
along with the ideological workers of the party apparatus, by members of the central governing
bodies of the Union of Soviet Writers of the USSR, well-known Soviet Russian writers. They
secretly played the role of political censors, endowed with the right to influence the literary
process, to regulate the personnel of regional writers’ organizations, to bring the creative plans
and ideas of writers in line with the social order. The evolution of mentoring relations during the
second half of the 1940s-1950s from exclusively professional contacts to closer, more fruitful for
both parties, creative and interpersonal communication can be traced through the interaction
and cooperation of the writer Yury Nikolaevich Libedinsky with Ossetian writers. It is noted that
by the mid-1950s, in the conditions of the emerging “thaw”, mentoring relations organizationally
went beyond the framework of the “curator-mentee” model. A new type of Soviet Russian writer
was being formed - a literary mentor, endowed not only with the authority of the organizer
and coordinator of the literary process in national regions, but also becoming a partner in the
formation of a different social climate. It is concluded that a qualitative transition from the
role of a literary mentor to a partner function in the conditions of a “warming” social climate
contributed to the preservation of the communicative heritage of the parties, the development
of the process of humanization and internationalization of Soviet society, the establishment, in
particular, in the literary and artistic sphere of an atmosphere of informal respect for languages
and cultures of the peoples of the USSR.
Keywords: literary mentorship, curatorship, political censorship, national literature, Ossetian writers, Yu.N. Libedinsky
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