ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia



DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.83.44.007


Chibirov, Lyudvig A.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 44 (83).
The article is devoted to the study of Narts’ legends among the peoples of Dagestan.
The analysis of the works of Russian researchers P.K. Uslar, U.B. Dalgat, A.D. Adzhiev,
M.R. Khalidova, A.M. Ganieva and others leaves no doubt about the low degree of prevalence
of Nart’s tales and in the existence on the territory of Dagestan of a special genre of Nartiada
– fairy tales, in which the main characters are Narts – giants. Undoubtedly, Dagestani fairy
tales are an echo of the Nart’s sagas, with which the medieval ancestors of the peoples of
Dagestan were familiar. According to the author, the plot similarity of the Narts’ narratives
of the Ossetians and the Dagestani fairy tales about the Narts-giants, as well as the presence
of Narts’ anthroponymy in Avar and Kumyk folklore, are a consequence of the diverse
Alano-Dagestani cultural and historical contacts (including ethnographic and linguistic)
recorded by various sources. The presence in the lexical fund of the Dagestani languages
(especially Avar) of about 100 words that experts refer to as Alanisms is interpreted by the
author as the evidence of such contacts. The analysis of folklore material undertaken in this
article allows us to conclude that the degree of distribution of Narts’ tales in the territory of
Dagestan is directly related to the geographical proximity of certain regions with Alania. The
greatest preservation of the epic is noted in the planar (Kumyk) environment, the weaker –
in the foothill zone, in the ethnic environment of the Avars, Dargins, Varnishes; the faintest
traces are found in the mountainous part and their complete absence is recorded in remote
Southern Dagestan. The novelty of the study lies in the identification of a large number of
parallels between the Nart legends of the Ossetians and the Narts’ tales of certain peoples
of Dagestan. The identified parallels confirm the idea of the peripherality of the territory of
Dagestan in the spread of Nartiada, which passed to the east of the Alan epicenter, located
in the Central Ciscaucasia.
Keywords: Alano-Dagestani cultural contacts, Nartiada, Dagestan, tales, fairy tales, analogues
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