Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.83.44.009
Ailarova, Svetlana A.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 44 (83).
Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the study of Archpriest Alexy Gatuev “Christianity
in Ossetia”. The essay was first published in 1891 on the pages of the “Terskiye Vedomosti”,
and subsequently withstood several reprints. In 1901 it was published in a separate edition.
The author of the first work describing the history of Christianity among Ossetians, received
good theological education, proved himself as a clergyman, a brilliant preacher and
missionary. In the Soviet times, the work of Gatuev was consigned to oblivion. Interest in this
work has manifested itself in recent decades, due to the strengthening of the religious factor
in the social and cultural life of Ossetia. The main idea of the essay is the unity of the people
on a religious, Orthodox basis and the ability of Christianity to become the basis of the
modern development of the ethnos, its integration into the Russian/ European civilization.
The author states the antiquity of Ossetian Christian history and tradition, its apostolic
origins. Gatuev characterizes the remnants of Christianity in folklore, architecture, calendar,
family and funeral rites, in other spheres of culture and social life of Ossetians. Relying
on contemporary historiography and sources, Gatuev examines the factors that revived
the Christian identity of the Ossetians: the union with Russia, the activities of Orthodox
missions, the construction of Orthodox churches, catechization, the introduction of the
Ossetian language into liturgical practice, the formation of Ossetian church intelligentsia,
the opening of parish schools. A special place is occupied by stories about the ambiguous
activities of Georgian missionaries; and about the opposition to Muslim propaganda. The
result of more than a century of Christian missionary activity was the spiritual and moral
transformation of Ossetian society, a literate nation, Orthodox and a new secular culture.
Keywords: Alexiy Gatuev, Ossetia, Orthodoxy, Christian missions, catechism, enlightenment, church intelligentsia
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