Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.83.44.013
Tatarov, Azamat A. , Mirzoeva, Svetlana G. , Lavrova, Natalia S.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 44 (83).
Abstract: The paper analyzes domestic and foreign scientific comprehension of Germany’s using
the eastern formations of the Wehrmacht in the battle for the Caucasus in 1942-1943.
Against the backdrop of the politicization of military collaborationism in modern Russian
science and the lack of historiographic research, the authors consider it this issue as relevant
to study in order to identify the dynamics and academic challenges on the way to its fullfledged
tackling. It is emphasized that the most favorable conditions for highlighting the
problem of involving the eastern formations of the Wehrmacht in the battle for the Caucasus
have developed in Russian historiography in the last three decades, when the previous bans
on versatile coverage of the issue and access to archival documents and foreign data were
lifted. The studies of post-Soviet Transcaucasian historians offer a significant amount of data
and are not without conceptual discrepancies and risks of politicization. It is shown that the
English and German (West German) historiography had a number of initial advantages
over the Soviet/Russian one, including access to documents covering in detail various
aspects regarding the creation and use of eastern formations. By the 1990s foreign historians
have brought the study to a qualitatively new level in terms of factual material. However,
some of their conceptual provisions, for example, an exaggeration of the voluntary nature
of the Soviet citizens military collaborationism, according to the authors, are unacceptable
for modern Russian historical science. The analysis of domestic and foreign historiography
reveals the need for a conceptual consolidation of issue of the German eastern units involving
in the battle for the Caucasus in the framework of a separate study based on the existing
academic background.
Keywords: eastern units of the Wehrmacht, battle for the Caucasus, Germany, Soviet / Russian and foreign historiography, post-Soviet studies
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