ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia



DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.83.44.004


Khetagurova, Kristina I.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 44 (83).
Socio-political upheavals in our country had a noticeable impact on the ideological
and moral content of the work of the Ossetian poet Zinaida Khostikoeva. The second
part of her last book (“Until the Thunder Rang”, 1994) is replete with poems dedicated
to the true heroes and defenders of Ossetia. Of great importance for understanding the
poet’s worldview are her works written on the theme of war, presented in her works
especially vividly and original. The scientific study of the theme of war in the poetic work
of Z. Khostikoyeva is an important task of Ossetian studies. Everything that Zinaida
Akhmetovna talks about in her works is considered by her from the point of view of a
poet-thinker, and gives her work a modern sound. Deep insight into the essence of the
problem under study, coverage of the topic of war speaks of the scientific significance of
the study of works of military subjects. Revealing the ethical ideals of the poet, embodied
in artistic images, is a topical problem; its solution requires new methods for studying
aesthetic values. The author considers the phenomenon of poetry from the position of
modern ethics and aesthetics, in the context of moral quests not only of socio-historical,
but also of philosophical thought. The bloody conflicts of our time are covered in the works
of Zinaida Akhmetovna from the standpoint of the Woman-Mother, the defender of life on
earth. Khostikoyeva’s work demonstrates genre and style diversity in the embodiment of
the theme of military aggression and its outcome. These are poems-lamentation, poemsprayers
and poems-invocations. In parallel with the genre of prayer, folklore traditions
of lamentation are being revived. The call for unity sounds very convincing in the poet’s
poems. The one people must live in unified Ossetia – is the principle preached by Z.
Khostikoeva. She is a poet – a singer, a pain-bearer of his people who protest against the
war (be it the war in North Ossetia, South Ossetia or Afghanistan), who created images of
the native land and struggling per calmness and world on her. Thus, all her poems about
war are, in fact, poems about peace.
Keywords: theme of war, poetry, patriotism, genocide, mother-poet, genre
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