Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.83.44.006
Tsarikaeva, Fatima A.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 44 (83).
Abstract: K.L. Khetagurov’s poetry was grounded on the philosophical basis of the Russian
revolutionary democrats – V.G. Belinsky, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov – teachings
and embodies both high idealism in its content and high artistic value in its form. The poet’s
language is the most important element of his revolutionary poetry, his passionate protest
against the ideology and morality of the landlord–capitalist system. A vivid evidence of this
is his poem “Who Lives Merrily...” written in Russian that demonstrates the highlanders’
relationships with the tsarist administration and the bureaucratic apparatus in the Caucasus
in a bright satirical form. Therefore, the vocabulary of the poem is generally characterized
by emotional and stylistic diversity. This work is aimed at revealing the linguistic means
by which the author manages to ridicule the upper layers of the described society, their
relationships and mutual influence in a particular local situation. According to the results
of the study, in terms emotional and stylistic vocabulary the poem is characterized by a
wide use of lexical units belonging to various stylistic layers of the Russian vocabulary. This
testifies that the poet did not only know and master the Russian language well, but also
had a deep understanding of the semantic meaning of each word, its expressive potential,
receiving unique shades of meaning in certain contextual situations, which contributes to the
creation of the artistic character of the described action. The latter allows the poet to bring
certain groups of words he needs to focus the reader’s attention on in each specific situation
to the foreground of the narrative and to shift the contents of others to the background. The
language of this work is characterized by brevity, imagery, vividness and expressiveness.
K.L. Khetagurov does not use meaningless decorations. Each word used in the poem directly
reflects and fully reveals the objects or phenomena described in their historical reality.
Keywords: language tools, vocabulary, emotionally-colored vocabulary, semantics, speech styles
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