Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.84.45.005
Salbiev, Tamerlan K.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 45 (84).
Abstract: The article is devoted to the description of the religious aspect of the creative heritage of Kosta
Khetagurov, which allows us to present the process of modernization of Ossetian society at the turn
of the last and the century before last from the point of view of metaphysics, which reveals itself
within the framework of the interaction of Christianity and the local primordial spiritual tradition.
Presenting himself as a man of two cultures – European and mountain – Kosta Khetagurov considered
it necessary to identify their common spiritual and moral foundations, which were brought together
in a consistent way in his personality and fate. A clear differentiation of the features inherent in each
of them allows us to establish three main parameters of their interaction: socio-cultural, historicalcultural
and cultural-historical. Further, using the example of the Ossetian hearth chain described
by Kosta Khetagurov and worn around his neck by his half-sister Olga Kaitmazova-Khetagurova
during his funeral, it is possible to show how the Ossetian tradition leads to a common denominator
of the historical-theological and mytho-ritual aspects of this interaction. The main religious and
mythological character, the only one capable of ensuring this transition, appears to be the Ossetian
patron saint of men, warriors and travelers, Waštyrdği, who represents the Christian Great Martyr
saint George adopted by tradition. The image of the shepherd of the people turns out to be organically
inscribed in the ideas of good and evil, the consideration of which becomes an additional factor
determining not only the ultimate goal of the transition under consideration, but also its whole
content. As a result, the study of social consciousness at that transitional stage acquires an axiological
dimension originally inherent in it.
Keywords: modernization, society, the Ossetians, historical-theological, mytho-ritual, Kosta Khetagurov, metaphysics, axiology
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