1. Pchelina, E.G. Mestnost’ Uallagir i shest’ kolen roda Osibagatara [The Wallagir area
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St. Petersburg, Renome, 2020, iss. 2, pp. 47-78.
5. SPbF ARAN [ARAS SPbB]. Fund 1017. Inventory 1. Case 161.
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14. NA SOIGSI [SA NOIHSS]. Fund Folklore. Inventory 1. Folder 15. Case 231.
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16. NA SOIGSI [SA NOIHSS]. Fund 19 (Alb.). Inventory 1. Case 204.
17. NA SOIGSI [SA NOIHSS]. Fund 19 (Alb.). Inventory 1. Case 85.
18. Tsagaeva, A.D. Toponimiya Severnoi Osetii [Toponymy of North Ossetia].
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23. Chibirov, L.A. Mig”dæи [Deity Мiğdæw]. Osetinskaya etnograficheskaya entsiklopediya
[Ethnographic Encyclopedia of Ossetia]. Vladikavkaz, Proekt-Press, 2012, p. 359.
24. Tsarukaev, A.I. Tropinki serdtsa [Paths of the heart]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1984. 153 p.
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27. Kulaev, S.S. Evrei Oshuak [Jew Oshuak]. Begizov, Ch.D., Kulaev, S.S. Proizvedeniya
[Works]. Vladikavkaz, Ir, 1995, pp. 364-395. (In Ossetian)
28. Tmenov, V.Kh. Zodchestvo srednevekovoi Osetii [The architecture of medieval Ossetia].
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29. Kesaev V.A. Yazyk i obychai osetinskikh okhotnikov [Language and customs of Ossetian
hunters]. Vladikavkaz, Ir, 2010. 175 p. (In Ossetian)
30. Pchelina, E.G. Ursdonskoe ushchel’e v Severnoi Osetii. (Po povodu nakhodki
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cup)]. Pchelina, E.G. Ossetica. Izbrannye trudy po istorii, etnografii i arkheologii osetinskogo
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31. Shanaev, Dzh. Prisyaga po obychnomu pravu osetin [The Oath in the Customary Law
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32. Beletsky, D.V. Materialy k izucheniyu pozdnesrednevekovogo zodchestva Severnogo
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33. Taisaev, K.U. Etnografiya traditsionnogo sporta u narodov Severnogo Kavkaza
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34. Gagiev, S.G. Osetinskie natsional’nye igry [Ossetian National Games]. Ordzhonikidze,
Ir, 1980. 129 p. (In Ossetian)
35. Dzhusoev, V.D. Osetinskie narodnye igry [Ossetian Folk Games]. Tskhinval, Iryston,
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36. Skachkov, A.E. Opyt statisticheskogo obsledovaniya gornogo ugolka (ekonomicheskii
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1905. 115 p.
37. Kotkin, S. Stalin: Paradoxes of Power, 1878-1928. New York, Penguin, 2014, vol. 1.
976 p.
38. SPbF ARAN [ARAS SPbB]. Fund 1017. Inventory 1. Case 729.
39. Onoshchenko, V.V. Fotografii svyatilishcha Rekom kak istochnik po izucheniyu
pamyatnika [Photos of the Recom Sanctuary as a Source for Studying the Monument].
Arkheologiya, etnografiya i yazyki Kavkaza. K 125-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya E.G. Pchelinoi
[Archeology, ethnography and languages of the Caucasus. To the 125th anniversary of E.G.
Pchelina]. St. Petersburg, Renome, 2020, iss. 2, pp. 90-97.
40. Krasnov, A.N. Naturalist na Kavkaze [Naturalist in the Caucasus]. Pyatigorsk, tip.
K.K. Kibardina, 1911, iss. 2. 43 p.
41. Nordberg, J. Podpol’nye devochki Kabula. Istoriya afganok, kotorye zhivut v muzhskom
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