ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia



DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.84.45.001


Polishchuk, A.I. , Ghodrati, Аsgar
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 45 (84).
Speech etiquette of each nation fixes certain ethnic characteristics, the understanding of which
contributes to successful intercultural communication, the establishment and maintenance of
positive friendly and business relations. This article compares the formulas of farewell in the Iranian
linguo-cultural environment, in the Russian and Ossetian, which is interesting as an environment
of the cultural border between the Iranian and Russian cultures. On the one hand, Ossetians are
an Iranian-speaking people, on the other hand, they live in Russia, and have long been exposed to
Russian culture. The relevance of such a comparative analysis is due to the interest in the problems of
interlingual communication, as well as the identification of common concepts and mental attitudes
that are significant for each culture, and the distinctive specifics of speech behavior. An adequate
method of research is the analysis of taarof - a specific feature of the ceremonial character in the Persian
language, in comparison with its speech etiquette in the Ossetian and partly in Russian languages.
In the Persian linguo-cultural environment, various speech acts are characterized by certain stable
turns of phrase expressing Iranian ceremony, politeness and "saving face" in society. Stable turns of
farewell express the specifics of the situation of communication between communicants: at a party,
at work, in the street, in other situations. It is revealed that taarofa has a semantic similarity with
Ossetian speech etiquette, in which there are direct analogues of Persian formulas. The fundamental
difference between taarofa, with its sweet-tongued and verbose forms, and ossetian linguistic culture
lies in its restraint, severity and taciturnity. Examples of the fundamental dissimilarity of forms
of speech etiquette in Persian and Russian languages, due to the lack of corresponding concepts
in culture, have also been established. The practical significance of the study lies in clarifying the
difficulties of translation associated with the lack of exact equivalents, substantiating the significance
of contextual translation based on an understanding of ethno-cultural specifics.
Keywords: speech etiquette, farewell formulas, invitation, Iranian ceremony, Ossetian formulas of communication, Russian greeting formulas
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