Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.85.46.002
Bagaev, Alan B.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 46 (85).
Abstract: In the past, male subcultural communities with their social attitudes and worldview values
played a significant role in the life of traditional society, having a noticeable impact on it. To a
certain extent, the picture of the world, the specifics of thinking and the way of life of the modern
male population reflect the values of previous generations, dating back to the male subcultures of
traditional society. In this regard, a comprehensive study of the now disappeared male subcultures is
very important for an adequate understanding of the forms of social consciousness and the ways of
development of modern society. The proposed article discusses the subculture of the Ossetian abreks.
Scientific novelty is determined by the fact that this article is the first study of the abrek subcultural
complex on Ossetian material. The study used data from written sources, ethnographic material
and folklore texts. The main elements of the Ossetian abrek subculture were identified and analyzed;
the main reasons for the departure of Ossetians to abreks were indicated; the categories of abreks
that existed in the traditional Ossetian society were determined; the optimal number of members
in the abrek group was established; the characteristic features of the traditional complex of clothing
and the appearance of the abrek were considered; the significance of a riding horse and weapons in
the abrek subcultural complex was analyzed; the social role of junket was shown; the ideological
attitudes and stereotyped models of behavior of the abreks in different situations were determined; a
close relationship was established between the subcultural complex of abreks and traditional military
culture. The conclusion was made about the closeness of the Ossetian abrek subculture with the
military culture of the era of developed military democracy.
Keywords: male subculture, subcultural complex of abrek, abrek subculture, Ossetians, weapon, horse, junket
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