Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.85.46.005
Ailarova, Svetlana A.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 46 (85).
Abstract: The article is the first attempt to analyze the intellectual heritage of the Ossetian educator
Soslan (Vano) Temirkhanov (1881-1925), including works of different genres – stories, poems,
essays, folklore and ethnographic publications, the historical work “Iry istori”. An important aspect
of his work is being explored – views on the role of labor and economic creation for the successful
development of post-reform Ossetia. The educator considers this problem through the prism of a
thousand-year ethnic history full of wars, migrations, demographic catastrophes. The brilliant
beginning of the Ossetian cultural history – the culture of the era of the end of the Bronze Age and
the beginning of the Iron Age (Koban archaeological culture) – demonstrated the perfection and
beauty of forms. The reason for such a cultural upsurge is the cult of labor, characteristic of ancient
Iranian mythology and culture in general. The arrival of Iranian-speaking nomads in the North
Caucasus – Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans (the second component of the Ossetian ethnogenesis) – led
to a change in culture, where military values and virtues began to prevail. The key to the success of
the modernization of Ossetia, according to S. Temirkhanov, should be the actualization in the public
consciousness of Ossetia of that part of ancient mythology that bears the cult of labor and economic
creativity – epic tales that “encourage progress.” It is necessary to note the attempt to build a coherent
history of Ossetia, linking together the various components of ethnogenesis, to emphasize the depth
of the historical perspective of the Ossetian ethnos. The original is the reliance on mythology in
understanding the historical process. The creative heritage of the enlightener is subordinated to the
solution of the main problems of the modernization of Ossetia at the beginning of the 20th century
– the acquisition by the people of historical self-consciousness and the formation of a new economic
reality based on spiritual and cultural value labor and economic creation
Keywords: Ossetian intelligentsia, Soslan (Vano) Temirkhanov, Ira istori, mythology, Prometheus, work ethics
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