Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.23671/VNC.2019.73.42914
Dalgat, Elmira M.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2019. IIS 34 (73).
Abstract: This article discusses the Iranians who lived in the cities of the Dagestan region in the second half
of the XIX – early XX centuries. The purpose of the article is to clarify the questions about the number
of city residents, their occupation, their contribution to the economic and cultural development of
Dagestan. Based on the study of the sources, a conclusion is drawn about the increase in the number
of the Iranians permanently or temporarily residing in the cities of Dagestan. The ways along which
the Iranians reached Dagestan are being shown, their compact settlement in the cities of the region is
noted. The development of trade relations between the Caucasus and Iran contributed to the opening
of the Persian vice consulate in Petrovsk. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the Iranians
in various fields of the economy, namely, trade, agriculture, and the industrial sphere. An analysis of
the sources indicates that the Iranians occupied a prominent place in the cities among the owners of
shops and stores. They also owned catering establishments – dukhan, taverns, tea houses, bakeries,
etc. The author concludes that the Iranians traded not only in shops, taverns, but also in the city as
well as village markets. Engaging in trade led to the enrichment of some Iranians and the appearance
of merchants of different guilds in their midst. Based on the study of archival sources, it was
established that the Iranians were employed in the industrial sphere. They owned tobacco factories,
brick factories, a confectionery factory. Many Iranians worked as wage laborers at various industrial
enterprises, including the seaport and the railway. The article analyzes the occupation of Iranians
by truck farming, which brought them good income. Much attention is paid to the participation of
Iranians in the cultural life of the cities of Dagestan, especially to the activities of the native of the
city of Tabriz Abdurahim Talibov. His activities on the reform of Muslim education, his contribution
to the development of female education in Dagestan are examined. The activity of A. Talibov as a
philanthropist who donated money for the construction of educational institutions in Dagestan is
shown. The article discusses the relationship of Dagestanis with Iranians in the field of politics. The
author concludes that the Iranians living in Dagestan made a great contribution to the development
of its economy and culture.
Keywords: Iran, Dagestan, Iranians, economy, culture.
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