Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.85.46.009
Khadikova, Alina Kh.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 46 (85).
Abstract: The article attempts to identify the historical and ethnographic essence of the interdisciplinary
concept of “ethnophore”, its specific ethno-cultural content, conceptual consistency in the field of
historical disciplines, clarifies the boundaries of the subject field of ethnology in relation to the study
of the ethnophore as the main representative of the ethnos. The research is based on the results
of the author’s long-term research in the field of the ethnicity of the divided Ossetian ethnos and
anticipates the intention of a specific historical- ethnographic /anthropological analysis of the
Ossetian “ethnophore”, intended to be implemented in retrospect: from archaic to modern state.
The survey identifies sources corresponding to certain chronological periods, while it is planned to
explore the world of modern ethnophore by interpreting the results of a survey of student youth
conducted in 2021-22, as well as a targeted analysis of the Internet space, the blogosphere of North
Ossetia. Partially, these data are contained in this article, but on the whole it is staged. At this stage
of the work, conceptual views are summarized, the most effective research strategies for studying
the characteristic patterns of the formation of the properties of the ethnophore and versions of their
actualization in the context of the social and historical variability of the ethnos are proposed. Based
on the experience of generalizing Ossetian ethnographic material, the author offers research plans
for the study of ethnoforstvo, and also focuses on institutions projecting the subjective aspect of
ethnocultural continuity, ethnic identity. But the study also clarifies the problems of studying the
ethnophore in the perspective of the actual needs of establishing broader identification markers
(“Russians”). The problems of ethnophore are also considered in the context of the research paradigm
of modern ethnology, more precisely, the unification of its main conceptual platforms.
Keywords: ethnophore, subjective aspect of the ethnic process, mental substratum of the ethnos, ethnic self-identification, survey, Internet space analysis, research paradigm of modern ethnology
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