Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.86.47.009
Besolova, Elena B. , Ghodrati, Asghar
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2023. IIS 47 (86).
Abstract: The essence of the deification of animals and its manifestation in everyday life among Ossetians
and Iranians is substantiated, the changes that have played a certain role in their mythology, rituals
and customs are revealed, the description of which is relevant both in terms of preserving religious
remnants in their cultures, and discovering the common and special. The cult of animals, which
developed from ideas about souls that preceded the image of a human deity, is comprehended; the
causes of the cult are revealed. The article attempts to identify the reasons for the sacralization of
the camel, to analyze the semantics of rituality, ritual differences and the similarity of the semantic
series camel - chicken-bird (ostrich) in the mytho-ritual practice of the Iranians. It is noted that
the fundamental basis of the religious ideas of the Ossetians is the heritage of the ancient forms of
the religion of the Scythian-Sarmatian-Alanian world; the primitive beliefs of the Iranians went
from totemism to cosmogony. The factors that contributed to the preservation of the rudiments of
mystical views of the camel among the Ossetians only in folklore and its small genres are described.
It is comprehended why, in the presence of such scarce material, its detailed analysis is not possible,
and this at a time when in the religious beliefs of the Indo-Iranians, the zoonym ‘camel’ retains the
sacred, magical and protective image of the animal for a long time. The actualization of ethno-
cultural information is caused by the need to describe the similarities and differences in their moral,
ethical and aesthetic values and preferences. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the survivals
of zoolatry among the peoples of the North Caucasus, Central and Western Asia reflect elements of
the cult of animals both in an individualized form and in its absence. An assessment is given of the
original layer of religious beliefs, on which, apparently, the religion and worldview of the ancient
Iranians, dating back to pre-Muslim cults, were formed. The factual material - linguistic, folklore,
archaeological, and ethnographic, eloquently evidences this.
Keywords: Iranian languages, proverbs, zoological code, zoonym ‘Bactrian camel’, worldview of ancient Iranians, pre-Muslim cult.
Download the full text For citation:: Besolova, E.B., Ghodrati, A. About the ethnocultural specificity of the zoonym
camel in Ossetian and Persian // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2023. Iss. 47(86). Pp. 59-75. (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.86.47.009
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