Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.86.47.001
Sokaeva, Diana V. , Dzaparova, Elizaveta B. , Dzlieva, Dzerassa M.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2023. IIS 47 (86).
Abstract: The folklore of any nation is a complex system of oral verbal creativity that interacts with other
systems of spiritual life, such as literature, social and political life of society, etc. A work of folklore
can be incorporated into the process of life / living of the people naturally, it can be introduced for
wide use through the written word (literature, media, scientific collections of folklore texts) and
stage performance. The purpose of the study is to characterize the variants of the heroic song about
the Kurtatins recorded by G. Guriev; identify the main translation principles and strategies that a
translator can resort to in the course of working on the translation of a folklore text. For the first
time, textual search work was carried out in the Scientific Archive of the North Ossetian Institute
for Humanitarian and Social Research named after V.I. IN AND. Abaeva (SOIGSI), variants of
the text of the analyzed song are found, the text of the song is considered in detail at the structural
and content level. Any text of Ossetian folklore replenishes the Indo-European fund of plots, motifs,
archetypes. The heroic song is a genre of Ossetian folklore, which is responsible not only for the
transmission of certain information, but also denotes the importance of the events described, glorifies
heroes through the ages. Speaking about the entry of the folklore text into the culture as a whole, we
have noticed that at present the “Song of the Kurtatins” (at least in some version) is not performed by
amateur or professional folklore groups. In our further searches in the course of expeditionary work,
we set ourselves the task of finding out whether it exists in the actual folklore environment. The study
can be used to compile an index of the Folklore Fund at SOIGSI named after. IN AND. Abaev and
other scientific and humanitarian purposes.
Keywords: Ossetian folklore, Gagudz Guriev, historical and heroic song, "Song of the Kurtatins", version, translation.
Download the full text For citation:: Sokaeva, D.V., Dzaparova, E.B., Dzlieva, D.M. Ossetian historical and heroic
song about Kurtatians: genesis, translation, performance // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2023. Iss. 47(86).
Pp. 99-113 (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.86.47.001
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