Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.88.49.005
Seferbekov, Ruslan I. , Seferbekov, Magomedhabib R.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2023. IIS 49 (88).
Abstract: Based on the field ethnographic material and literary sources collected in the villages of the
Kizlyarsky and Tarumovsky regions of the Republic of Dagestan, using general scientific (historical-
genetic, comparative-historical, retrospective) and special (survey, interviewing, participant
observation) methods of history and ethnology, the article explores modern culture nutrition of
Russians with the identification of traditional food preserved by them in modern times, dishes
and drinks borrowed from the mountainous and lowland population of Dagestan, as well as food
innovations that have penetrated in recent decades. The relevance of the topic is dictated by the lack
of knowledge of the problem, the increased level of ethnic and cultural self-awareness of Russians,
the need to analyze the elements of the life support culture of the Russian population of Dagestan
that have been transformed under the influence of global and regional socio-cultural processes. The
results obtained indicate that the modern food of Dagestani Russians turned out to be one of the
most stable (in comparison with settlements, housing and clothing) elements of their life support
culture. It is based on a complex of traditional dishes and drinks that has developed over several
centuries. The formation of the modern model and nutrition system of the Dagestan Russians was
influenced by the Russian cuisine of the main ethnic mass, traditional and Soviet economic and
cultural types (ECT) and the zonal complex of the transformed ECT of modern times, long-standing
interethnic contacts and ethnocultural interactions with the lowland and mountainous population
of Dagestan, as well as food innovations from world cuisine. In its turn, Russian cuisine also had
a great influence on the food of the peoples of Dagestan, in which Russian dishes have been firmly
entrenched since the Soviet period. The modern food culture of the Russians of Dagestan retains its
traditional structure, into which food innovations from mountain and world cuisine have organically
merged. This circumstance inspires certain confidence in the preservation of the national (territorial,
cultural, religious) identity of Russians in the era of globalization, since food is one of the indicators
of ethnic (culinary) identity and the most important mechanism of ethno-ecological adaptation.
Keywords: food culture, Russians of Dagestan, traditional cuisine, food innovations.
Download the full text For citation:: Seferbekov, R.I., Seferbekov, M.R. The food culture of Russians in the Kizlyarsky
and Tarumovsky districts of Dagestan: traditions and innovations // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2023. Iss.
49 (88). Pp. 62-81. (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.88.49.005
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