Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.89.50.008
Takazov, Fedar M.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2023. IIS 50 (89).
Abstract: The article analyzes the semantics of burning a frog skin in Ossetian folklore. The motive of
the marriage of the hero and the frog, the burning of the frog skin by the hero, is widespread in the
folklore of many peoples. The comparative analysis of typological plots made it possible to identify
the archetype of the frog in fairy tales and myths. The analysis of the frog archetype in world
folklore makes it possible to understand how this image is perceived and interpreted by different
cultures, and makes it possible to identify common features and differences in its symbolism. In
various cultures, the frog is associated with fertility and rain. One example is the Ossetian rainmaking
ritual, during which a stuffed woman was made, which was often replaced by a live frog
tied to a pillow. The frog was dressed up in a costume with silver and gold embroidery, and then
thrown into the river after dancing and praying for rain. The metamorphoses of the frog girl in all
national variants have typological similarities. The development of the plot is subordinated to the
conceptual component of the initiation processes. The burning of the frog girl’s skin symbolizes her
symbolic death. The disappearance of the girl after the burning of the frog skin is connected with
the need to finally acquire a new status. In addition, the burning of the skin by the hero reflects a
violation on his part of the prohibition, from which the path of the initiator begins.
Keywords: Ossetian folklore, Narts epic, initiations, fairy tale, myth, frog princess, burnt skin.
Download the full text For citation:: Takazov, F.M. Semiotic analysis and interpretation of the motif of the marriage of a hero
and a frog in Ossetian folklore // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2023. Iss. 50 (89). Pp.120-128. (in Russian).
DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.89.50.008
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