ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.91.52.012


Marzoev, Islam-Bek T.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2024. IIS 52 (91). P.18-29.
Written sources of the 19th century reflected the genealogy and history of the origin of
the privileged families of the Tsimiti society, as well as other societies of North Ossetia. The
purpose of the proposed work is to identify, using archival documents of the 19th century,
the origin of the surnames of the Tsimiti society, tracing their origin to the common ancestor
Tsimiti, determining their socio-political significance in their society, and in Ossetia as a
whole, as well as recreating their family tree, obtaining information about the marriages
of representatives of the surnames in question, which are markers of the social status of
that or another surname in a traditional society. The relevance of the study is determined
by the growing interest in historical roots, tracking genealogies and family histories, as
well as insufficient knowledge of the origin of the surnames of the society in question, the
social status and family ties of the Tsimitians with representatives of neighboring Ossetian
societies and other peoples of the Caucasus. To accomplish the assigned tasks, unpublished
archival materials from the funds of the Central State Archives of the Republic of North
Ossetia-Alania are introduced into scientific circulation. These documents included family
lists compiled by the representatives of the families themselves in 1859–1860 and 1871–
1872, family trees, various kinds of petitions addressed to officials of the Ossetian Military
District and Terek Region, and other materials. The work used such general scientific
methods as analysis, synthesis, induction, as well as a comparative method applied to
historical sources to determine the degree of their reliability. The result of the research was
a complete list of surnames that trace their origins to the founder of the Tsimity Society –
Tsimiti. The social status of these surnames, their family relationships, both within their
society and outside it, is determined. The materials of this study can serve as an additional
source for studying the history of North Ossetia, allowing us to more deeply and thoroughly
explore the genealogy of Ossetian surnames.
Keywords: Russia, Caucasus, North Ossetia, Tsimitian society, genealogy, aristocracy.
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For citation:: Marzoev, I.-B.T. Privileged surnames of the Tsimiti society of North Ossetia in documents
and materials of the 19th century // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2024. Iss. 52 (91). Pp.18-29. (in Russian).
DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.91.52.012
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