Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.91.52.004
Tsorieva, Inga T.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2024. IIS 52 (91). P.102-118.
Abstract: The article examines the main events and stages characterizing historical milestones -
the 250th anniversary of Ossetia’s entry into Russia, the 240th anniversary of the founding
of the city of Vladikavkaz and the 100th anniversary of the formation and development
of statehood in North Ossetia. The fateful nature of the establishment of Russian-Ossetian
relations in the second half of the 18th century is noted, which determined the strategic
vector for the further development of Ossetia. It is shown that joining the Russian Empire
on the principles of good neighborliness, friendship and mutual assistance ensured the
protection of its national interests, contributed to the formation of administrative and
economic institutions as part of the all-Russian system, and created conditions for the
socio-cultural development of the region. In this regard, it is indicated that on the basis
of common interests in 1784, the Vladikavkaz fortress was founded at the entrance to
the Daryal Gorge as an outpost in the south of Russia. In 1860 it was transformed into
a city, which since 1863 became the administrative center of the Terek region, during the
Soviet period - the capital of the North Ossetian Autonomous Region (since 1936 – the
autonomous republic). Administrative, legal and economic processes after the establishment
of Soviet power in the region are analyzed. Attention is drawn to the fact that it was the
administrative, managerial and economic resources of Vladikavkaz that were used in the
organization of the institutions of power of the created statehood of North Ossetia. At the
same time, citizens of the autonomy, in the conditions of post-revolutionary and post-war
devastation, turned out to be the main participants in the restoration of the economic and
cultural infrastructure of Vladikavkaz. The nature of these relations determined not only
the capital status of the city, but also the subsequent inextricable merging into a single
community and interaction between the residents of the republic and Vladikavkaz. The
stages of this interaction are described during the period of social reconstruction of the
1920-1930s, the Great Patriotic War, post-war reconstruction, in the conditions of the
scientific and technological revolution and the post-Soviet construction of a multinational
democratic republic within the Russian Federation.
Keywords: 250th anniversary of the annexation of Ossetia to Russia, 240th anniversary of the founding of Vladikavkaz, 100th anniversary of North Ossetia-Alania, the First Ossetian embassy, Vladikavkaz fortress, Vladikavkaz city, North Ossetian Autonomous Region.
Download the full text For citation:: Tsorieva, I.T. Administrative, economic and cultural development of North Ossetia within
Russia // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2024. Iss. 52 (91). Pp.102-118. (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.91.52.004
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