ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.91.52.005


Besolova, Elena B. , Abaeva, Fatima O. , Sokaeva, Diana V.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2024. IIS 52 (91). P.119-136.
(A.S. Chikobava), the problem of linguistic contacts is always topical. Ancient contacts
are a constant mutual rapprochement, exchange, and mutual enrichment through
communication – trade, cultural, economic, and other forms of co-operation. Ancient
contacts gave impetus to the development of culture, imprinted in the language, oral folk
art, ritual life and material culture of the speakers of the contacting languages. Iranisms in
the languages of the area are also the result of ancient trade and economic relations with
Iran, as evidenced by the predominant number of trade-related names, names of fabrics,
clothes, household items, various products, dishes, spices, plants; these are also sociopolitical
and religious terms, parts of male and female names. Iranisms, like borrowings
from other languages, represent a common vocabulary for the borrowing languages and
contribute to their rapprochement. The article is devoted to ancient historical, cultural and
ethnolinguistic relationships and mutual influences of speakers of Iberian-Caucasian, Turkic
and Indo-European languages using the example of the term pehuympar/pahuympar in
its various meanings. An attempt has been made to establish the time, place and vector
of borrowing; identify features of the development of semantics; determine the historical
and ethnocultural factors that contributed to its emergence. As a result of the study, it
was revealed that ethno-linguistic contacts of those inhabiting the Caucasus developed
in pre-Islamic times; the languages of the area were subject to processes of divergence and
convergent phenomena, regardless of genetic relatedness; Iranianisms were borrowed both
without the participation of an intermediary language and with its participation. Over
the course of a long life, borrowings, adapting, underwent development in the Turkic and
Caucasian languages – phonetic, morphological and lexical-semantic.
Keywords: Ossetian language, language contact, Iranianism, North Caucasian languages, Turkic languages, direct borrowing, intermediary language, beliefs.
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For citation:: Besolova, E.B., Abaeva, F.O., Sokaeva, D.V. On Iranian contribution to Caucasian
and Turkic languages // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2024. Iss. 52 (91). Pp. 119-136. (in Russian).
DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.91.52.005
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