ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia



DOI: 10.23671/VNC.2019.73.43116


Darchieva, Svetlana V. , Darchiev, Anzor V.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2019. IIS 34 (73).
Georgy Vasilievich Baev had a great influence on the socio-political and economic development
of the Terek region in the early 20th century, therefore, thorough study of his creative heritage seems
to be very relevant. «From My Life», the first autobiographical essay Baev published, contains new
information about his activities as the mayor of Vladikavkaz, as well as about Baev’s fate after he
emigrated (his cultural and educational activities in Constantinople, moving to Prague, etc.). From
the essay, it becomes obvious that Baev participated actively at all stages of work on the Ossetian-
Russian-German dictionary. Moreover, the dictionary project had long been archived and the
decision to publish it was made on the initiative of Baev, who had already been exiled by that time.
His translation of the Bible into Ossetian is well known, but only from the essay do we learn how
much effort and labor it actually took. In 1926 Baev launched a course of lectures on the Ossetian
language within the framework of the Berlin seminar on oriental languages, commonly known as the
Ossetian Docenture. Baev calls its foundation an event of great cultural significance, which contributed
to the awakening of interest in the Ossetian language among European scholars. Baev complites
the essay with an expression of gratitude to his elder relatives, referring to his activities in Germany
as the pinnacle of the great «cultural work» that his grandfather, father and uncle had engaged in before
him. The list of relatives on the paternal and maternal lines provides data that are not available
in other sources. The auto-biographical essay of Georgy Baev contains a lot of interesting information,
and its publication can contribute to the further study of the life and work of this outstanding
representative of the Ossetian intellectuals.
Keywords: Ossetian intellectuals, autobiography, G. V. Baev, city mayor, Ossetian studies, emigration, Germany.
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