ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.92.53.001


Salikhova, Leila B. , Osmanova, Milena N.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2024. IIS 53 (92). P.43-55.
The paper considers the “Caucasian request” – one of the issues raised in the State
Duma of the third convocation, as well as the participation of deputies from the Eastern
Caucasus in its discussion. Studying the activities of the State Duma of the imperial period,
including representatives from the national outskirts in the discussion of the Duma affairs
provides an opportunity to highlight the role of the latter in the political life of the country.
Interest in the history of the country, as well as in the history of its regions, indicates the
relevance of the issue under study. The purpose of the paper is to consider the essence of the
raised issue, to show the activity of the East Caucasian representatives in the solution of the
request, in proposing their issues and drawing the attention of the members of the Duma
to the situation of the population of the Eastern Caucasus. The principle of objectivity,
historicism, descriptive method, etc. was used. The paper shows that the Caucasian
request for the fight against terrorist acts in the Caucasus was actually connected with
the indignation of the representatives of the authorities who had previously ruled in the
Caucasus against the viceroy of Count I.I. Vorontsov-Dashkov, who began the purge
against the former. Consideration of the request by the right-wing faction demonstrated
the opposition of the politically active part of the country’s population and representatives
of the State Duma with the said faction. It was noted that during the consideration of
the Caucasian claim, issues that were not directly related to the topic raised were also
brought up for discussion. The avoidance of this topic was due to the opportunity to draw
the attention of the State Duma to the most pressing issues according to the speakers. The
electoral law of June 3, 1907, which reduced the number of deputies from the national
outskirts in the Third State Duma, deprived them of the opportunity to influence the course
of the debates. However, they took part in the discussion of the issues put forward by large
factions to present their views, to introduce amendments, proposals, etc.
Keywords: Third State Duma, Caucasian request, Eastern Caucasus, viceroy of the Caucasus, deputies.
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For citation:: Salikhova, L.B., Osmanova, M.N. Participation of the Eastern Caucasus deputies in the discussion of the Caucasian request in State Duma III // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2024. Iss. 53 (92). Pp.43-55. (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.92.53.001
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