ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.92.53.012


Kobakhidze, Elena I.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2024. IIS 53 (92). P.5-25.
The article presents an overview of the administrative-territorial structure of the
Central Caucasus, shows the stages of the administrative-legal status of North Ossetia
within the framework of the imperial / early Soviet statehood starting from the last quarter
of the 18th century (1774 marked by the signing of the Treaty of Kyuchuk Kainardzhi and
the official registration of Ossetia’s entry into Russian citizenship) until January 1925 (the
First Congress of Soviets of the North Ossetian Autonomous Region, which completed the
process of formation of the North Ossetian autonomy), and gives their brief substantive
characteristics, cumulating the available historiographic information and relying on
a significant documentary base. The dynamics of the formation and reorganization of
territorial-administrative units of the Central Caucasus, the order of their management,
the formation of the structure of the Cossack troops of the region, etc. are traced. It is
shown that the territorial and administrative development of North Ossetia was a complex
and lengthy process, saturated with contradictory and dynamic socio-political interaction
of heterogeneous public forces and groups. Having entered the revolution of 1917 as the
Vladikavkaz district of the Terek region, North Ossetia and after the collapse of the Russian
Empire and the final establishment of Soviet power in Russia remained only a territorialadministrative
part of a large state system and had extremely limited socio-political
independence. But it was in the early Soviet period that an intensive search for forms of
national self-determination was conducted here, institutions of state power were formed,
disintegrated and re-created, the legal foundations of the new social order were developed.
During the formation of the foundations of Soviet federalism in the North Caucasus in
the 1920s, North Ossetia acquired autonomous status, becoming an independent part
of the RSFSR. The article is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity and is
based on a wide range of both published sources (mainly of a legislative and legal nature)
and unpublished materials from the funds of the Central State Archives of the Republic of
North Ossetia-Alania.
Keywords: Central Caucasus, Ossetia, Russian Empire, administrative management, Terek region, Terek Republic, Gorskaya ASSR, North Ossetian Autonomous Region.
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For citation:: Kobakhidze, E.I. North Ossetia as part of the imperial / early Soviet statehood (for the centenary of North Ossetian autonomy) // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2024. Iss. 53 (92). Pp.5-25. (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.92.53.012
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