Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.93.54.006
Gostieva, Larisa K.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2024. IIS 54 (93). P.66-76.
Abstract: The article highlights the life path and scientific and organizational activities in the field of
healthcare and Ossetian studies of one of the prominent figures of Ossetian culture of the XX
century M.A. Misikov and some issues of ethnography of Ossetians in his book “Materials for the
anthropology of Ossetians”, which are not reflected in the scientific literature. Attention was drawn
to his report “Anthropological information about Ossetians”, which touched upon a number of
issues of anthropology and ethnography of Ossetians. It is indicated that the book provides the most
complete ethnographic description of Ossetia at the beginning of the twentieth century: the culture
of life support, family rituals and public institutions, traditional medicine are considered. The
contribution of the scientist to the study of traditional intoxicating drinks of Ossetians, who played
an important role in the culture of life support and formed a special component of the traditional
food system, is revealed. It is noted that M.A. Misikov holds the honor of the first description in the
literature of the technology of preparation of some types of traditional drinks: araki, bragi, kvass
and beer. Special attention is paid to the oldest ritual intoxicating drink – beer, all the main brewing
cycles are described, for the first time in the literature some terms related to the beer brewing process
are given. Researchers believe that beer, along with other types of ritual food (pastries and boiled
meat of a sacrificial animal), is currently becoming the subject of ethnocultural branding in North
Ossetia. It was established that M.A. Misikov made a great contribution to the development of
traditional medicine among Ossetians. For the first time in the scientific literature, the scientist
described the drugs and techniques of traditional medicine of Ossetians, part of the medical,
botanical terminology.
Keywords: M.A. Misikov, Materials for the anthropology of Ossetians, ethnography, anthropology, life support culture, traditional alcoholic drinks, folk medicine.
Download the full text For citation:: Gostieva L.K. M.A. Misikov and some questions of ethnography in his book
“Materials for the anthropology of Ossetians” // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2024. Iss. 54 (93). Pp.66-76. (in
Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.93.54.006
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