ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.93.54.008


Tsorieva, Inga T.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2024. IIS 54 (93). P.87-96.
The article examines the integrative functions of culture as a factor in establishing and
developing relations between peoples in the process of Ossetia’s entry into the Russian Empire. The
stages and features of the history of 250 years of cultural interaction are traced. It is noted that
the fact of Ossetia’s entry into Russia was regarded as entry into European civilization. The study
identifies the most important elements and special features of the integration process brought into the
cultural life of the Ossetian community. They identified a demand in society for the use of national
character traits that contributed to education and overcoming the historically conditioned isolation
of the way of life. It is noted that among the main results of Ossetia’s entry into the Russian state,
the most important place is occupied by the school, in the creation of which the Orthodox Church
played a significant role. It is indicated that the missionary tasks of the church and the need to teach
the Ossetian language prompted the creation of the Ossetian written language. Achievements in
the development of public education led to the formation of a national intelligentsia. In cultural
interaction it created the phenomenon of a cultural passionary, who determined the development
strategies. His sphere of influence was the culture of everyday life, which underwent revolutionary
transformations during the period under study. Migration to the plain and close coexistence with
representatives of Russian and other peoples qualitatively changed the everyday culture and way
of life of the Ossetians. During the Soviet era, the development of integration processes acquired
new class characteristics and socio-political contexts. It is recognized that, despite the ideological
pressure of the authorities, in the sphere of cultural management there was an evolution from
the use of harsh measures to a kind of practice of cultural paternalism. The article provides an
example that demonstrates the quality of transformation in everyday culture in the latest period of
integration – the culture of khadzar in the city. It expressed the urbanization processes over many
years, the interaction of cultures in the multinational community of Ossetia, the desire to preserve
the heritage of intercultural interaction as part of Russia.
Keywords: annexation of Ossetia to Russia, cultural integration, Mozdok Ossetian school, public education in Ossetia, Ossetian intelligentsia, the culture of khædzar in the city.
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For citation:: Tsorieva, I.T. Culture as a factor of integration during the entry of Ossetia into Russia //
Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2024. Iss. 54 (93). Pp. 87-96. (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.93.54.008
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