Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.82.43.007
Bondar, Larisa D.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2022. IIS 43 (82).
Abstract: This article is devoted to one of the aspects of the scientific research method of E.G. Pchelina
– addressing terminological issues in the development of individual topics, in this case – the
issue of slavery and captivity in traditional Ossetian society. A working material on this topic
has been published; it is presented in the archive fond of E.G. Pchelina in the St. Petersburg
Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the form of vocabularies and
bibliographic extracts. Such extracts were an integral element of the study of her predecessors’
publications, among the mandatory materials was the Ossetian dictionaries of V.F. Miller and
V.I. Abaev. Pchelina showed no special linguistic interest, did not study vocabulary from the
perspective of diachrony or Iranian studies, and did not attempt to critically comprehend it.
At the same time, her interest in the issues of interlanguage contacts is obvious, her desire to
study semantic parallels in the languages of the peoples neighboring the Ossetians, to identify
the etymology of individual concepts and use it as a source of proof of historical contacts and
features of individual social phenomena. Without making attempts to attribute special linguistic
classes to Pchelina (according to the state of study of the scientific archive to date), it is necessary
to recognize the persistent interest of the researcher in linguistic material as a source of historical
and ethnographic reconstructions, to a large extent – from the standpoint of areal linguistics,
as evidence of interlanguage, and, consequently, historical and intercultural ties of neighboring
Keywords: E. Pchelina’ scientific heritage, slavery among Ossetians, terminology of slavery, interlanguage contacts
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