ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.87.48.005


Gutieva, Elmira T.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2023. IIS 48 (87).
The article is devoted to comparative analysis of the types of word formation with the help of
negative formants in the Ossetian, Russian and English languages. Such comparison allows us to
single out as distinctive features of Ossetian word formation: the limited productivity of prefixation
of nominal parts of speech, which is significantly lower than in the other two languages under
consideration; limited productivity of negative derivational formants, as a result of which there is
a small number of derivational antonymic pairs. It has been established, that in the group of the
most frequent adjectives in the Ossetian and English languages there is a limited prefix productivity
and a predominance of antonyms with different roots; on this basis, these languages are opposed to
Russian, in which the negative prefix has almost unlimited valency. Some resistance to erosion of
negatively marked words was noted, which manifests itself in the absence of unmarked generating
bases. Derivational antonymy is accompanied by semantic asymmetry between related units. The
correlation between the high frequency of use and the inability to negative prefixation was noted
in the Ossetian and English languages, in Ossetian, as a result, heterogeneous antonymy prevails in
the group of high‑frequency adjectives. The regularity of the negation of a positive base in Ossetian
is noted, in English this is also traced, which is irrelevant for the Russian language, where the
negative derivation is absolute irrespective of the connotation of a base. For the Ossetian language,
an exhaustive nomenclature of negative formants and a clarification of their status are advanced.
Linguistic arguments are given for highlighting the chronological layers of derivation with the help of
prepositive formants, which are currently unproductive.
Keywords: word‑formation, prefixation, negative formant, the Ossetian language, derivational valency of a prefix, the Russian language, the English language.
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For citation:: Gutieva, E. T. Specifics of the word‑formation valency of negative formants //
Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2023. Iss. 48 (87). Pp. 108‑122.(in Russian).
DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.87.48.005
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