Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
362040, RNO-A, Russia
DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2023.89.50.012
Bagaev, Alan B.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2023. IIS 50 (89).
Abstract: In traditional society, men’s worldviews influenced all aspects of social life. This situation is
a consequence of the dominant social status of men in traditional social systems. Worldviews
and male norms of social behavior characteristic of traditional society still exist today, although
in a somewhat transformed form. Based on this, a comprehensive study of male subcultural
complexes of the past seems very relevant. The knowledge obtained during the research will allow
us to better understand the direction of development of modern society. The values and norms of
behavior of male elite communities, one of which was the corporation of judges of the traditional
Ossetian court, had a special impact on the life of society. In the past, in Ossetia, the activity of a
judge was considered especially prestigious. Over many centuries, Ossetian people’s judges have
developed a certain subcultural complex. The article examines various elements of the subculture
of judges of the Ossetian mediation court. Scientific novelty is determined by the fact that this
work is the first comprehensive study of the subculture of judges in traditional Ossetian society.
The sources for developing the problem posed were ethnographic materials, folklore texts and data
from the Ossetian language. The study examined the most significant elements of the subcultural
complex of judges of the traditional Ossetian court. The most important principles necessary to
obtain the status of a judge were identified. The existence of different options for electing judges
was established. The main behavioral stereotypes typical for the corporation of mediators were
identified. The significance of the staff as an invariable attribute of the judiciary and a marker of
the special social status of the judge is indicated. The issue of secret assistant judges, who played
an important role in establishing the truth, is covered. The features of the oratory art of judges are
Keywords: Ossetians, male subcultures, judge, Ossetian mediation court.
Download the full text For citation:: Bagaev, A.B. Subculture of judges of the Ossetian mediation court // Izvestiya
SOIGSI. 2023. Iss. 50 (89). Pp.5-15. (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2023.89.50.012
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