ISSN 2223-165X

Izvestiya SOIGSI



Address: Pr. Mira, 10, Vladikavkaz,
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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2024.91.52.008


Batagova, Tatiana E. , Kabisov, Sarmat V.
Izvestia SOIGSI. 2024. IIS 52 (91). P.169-182.
The article is devoted to the study of the creative path and musical performance activities
of the talented national conductor and choirmaster Agunda Tatarkanovna Kokoiti-
Khodova. The stages of A.T. Kokoity-Khodova’s biography and the formation of her unique
conductor’s appearance are traced. The authors review the main stages of the musical and
social activity of the conductor-choirmaster, establish the significance of her contribution
to the development of the musical culture of North Ossetia in general, and vocal and choral
art in particular. The merits of the conductor-choirmaster in the development of primary
and secondary musical education are noted, her contribution to the improvement of
professional and amateur choral performance in the republic is reviewed. The importance
of the work of Kokoity-Khodova as the creator, chief conductor and choirmaster of the
chamber choir “Alania” of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is shown. The specifics of
the versatile creative activity of the conductor and his choir on improving the performing
level, on the formation of a repertoire, on the deployment of touring and concert activities
are studied. The authors of the article note such features of the performing appearance
of the conductor-choirmaster Kokoity-Khodova is popular as professionalism, freshness
of interpretative solutions, search for new things, self-development, democratic leadership
style, cooperation with Ossetian composers. The performing appearance of the “Alania”
choir reveals such features as beauty and melody of sound design, multi-colored timbre,
artistry, purity of intonation, and ensemble impeccability. The high performing level of the
Alania choir was confirmed by the team’s repeated victories in prestigious international
choir competitions and festivals. The originality of the artistic appearance of the choir
is ensured by a repertoire that includes four main directions: musical classics; spiritual
music; works by Ossetian composers and arrangements of Ossetian folk songs; choral
music of the XX-XXI centuries. A characteristic feature of the musical and social activities
of Kokoity-Khodova and her team are engaged in musical education and promotion of
national music. Popularizing choral singing, the Alania choir regularly performs in the
cities and villages of North Ossetia and Russian cities; the choir’s tour routes covered about
20 countries in Europe and Asia.
Keywords: national vocal and choral art, Ossetian music, conductor-choirmaster A.T. Kokoity-Khodova, choral performance of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, chamber choir “Alania”.
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For citation:: Batagova, T.E., Kabisov, S.V. Contribution of conductor A.T. Kokoyti-Khodova
and chamber chorus “Alania” in the development of national academic choral art // Izvestiya
SOIGSI. 2024. Iss. 52 (91). Pp.169-182. (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/VNC.2024.91.52.008
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